Welcome more international students to your school
Partner with Travel Class to diversify your classrooms and bring more revenue in.
The go-to school search platform for traveling families
Travel Class is the platform where international expat, digital nomad and traveling families search for the next school or daycare for their children.

From the moment your school listing goes live, the door opens to prospects, new students, & additional revenue sources, all while maintaining full control of availability.

We've partnered with schools, colleges, kindergartens and holiday campuses around the world.
Reach new students while embracing international community
Get in front of families who value inclusion, openness and forward thinking.
  • Grow your revenue
    With Travel Class, you can maximize you school capacity usage by listing any of your available classroom seats, all at the touch of a button. Travel Class pays you for each student that checks in at your space.
  • Acquire new students
    Travel Class brings potential leads to your front door. Many parents are shopping for a next lifetime choice when picking a teacher and a classroom. When you list with Travel Class, families get a chance to fall in love with your school.
  • Raise brand awareness
    Get the word out about your school. We'll help share exciting news and upcoming events via social media & newsletter shoutouts. Become truly international by spreading a word among other expat families.
  • Promote your extra-curriculars
    Run holiday camps, after-school activities or sports clubs? Leverage your spare capacity and open these opportunities for international students who are already in the area and looking to participate in the activities!
Add more flexibility to your classrooms
And bring more diversity
  • 1 week
    A minimum stay for any Travel Class student in your school.
    There's no maximum.
  • any time
    Travel Class students can join classroom at any point of the year, not always from the beginning of an academic year
  • English
    Is the most common language for travel class students, but most kids need language support to pick up a new language or get more comfortable.
Who are Travel Class families? ❤️
They are world citizens looking for flexible and open-minded schools, just like yours
  • Sara Levin
    Tel Aviv, Israel
    Sara is a mom of David (5 y.o.). David speaks Hebrew, Russsian and English. Sara and her husband work remotely, and as they are relocating to Southern Europe, they are looking for a perfect school starting ASAP.
  • Niels Wolfer
    Toronto, Canada
    Niels, his wife and their two daughters (7 and 9 y.o) are spending winter in Europe. The girls would like to attend a school and meet new friends during the 3 months they are away from home. They speak only English, but eager to learn a local language!
  • Jane Simpson
    New York, USA
    Jane and her son Chad (12 y.o.) are on a trip around the world. Chad is home-schooled, but if there's a school that could accept him for a month, he is happily joining a class!
List your School
Get one step closer to traveling families who are looking for flexible educational options.